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Dushan Nikolic (BA LLB)

Partner, Former MARN 1278842

Dushan is a Partner at Carina Ford Immigration Lawyers and an LIV Accredited Immigration Law Specialist. Before joining Carina Ford, Dushan worked in a number of roles across both the Commonwealth and State public sectors, including as a Policy and Case Officer at the Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal.

In his current role, Dushan advises across all visa subclasses at the primary stage and has extensive experience representing clients at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (both Migration & Refugee and General Divisions), the Federal Circuit Court and the Federal Court. Dushan has a particular interest in character cancellation cases and detention matters.

Dushan regularly teaches the Migration Agents Practice Ready Program course through the Migration Institute of Australia and has presented at the Law Council of Australian national immigration conference. 


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